, toto publikovanie pôvodne bežalo pred tromi rokmi, ale veril som, že som túto prácu znova opakoval pre ôsme narodeniny môjho chlapca. Julian mal jedného kamaráta spať tento rok na piate narodeniny. Domácnosť dieťaťa prišla na pizzu, ako aj na šalátovú večeru, ako aj na predpoklad, čo? To je osem ľudí okolo nášho stola. Osem […]
Day: July 6, 2022
Exposing the Tangled Webs of insurance NetworksExposing the Tangled Webs of insurance Networks
Sharing is caring! zdieľam Tweet zdieľam Nothing could be a lot more confusing than fees charged by hospitals and doctors. There are lots of reasons why hospitals would like to keep it that way. I remember sitting in a healthcare facility staff meeting and hearing about negotiations to merge two hospitals that were about a […]
Medicinal use for Apple Juice? (Pedcast)Medicinal use for Apple Juice? (Pedcast)
Sharing is caring! zdieľam Tweet zdieľam “apple-juice-1” Audio Player 00:00 00:00 00:00 apple-juice-1 1. “apple-juice-1” 8:51 Introduction Wow, what a difference a few years can make. You may be aware that nutritionists, diabetologists, endocrinologists, toxicologists and every type of ologist you can think of have been waging war on apple juice, for decades. Back in […]