Soothing Colicky babies With Aromatherapy

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Colic is quite common in babies and in some cases can go on for numerous months. It is very uncomfortable for the baby and distressing for the parents. babies can be affected whether they’re fed from the breast or bottle. Colic is typically ceased when the trapped gas is eventually passed or a bowel movement is made. vital oils can be helpful for encouraging this process and soothing little tummies.
Signs and symptoms of colic:

intense crying, that can go on for hours, typically in the late afternoon and evening

the abdomen feels hard to the touch

the face is flushed; the lips might become pale

baby may draw legs up to stomach; may clench fists.

Abdominal massage can bring terrific relief and help release trapped gas. infant massage is best done gently, in small circular clockwise movements, 5-10 minutes after feeding. It can be done while the baby is clothed. To use vital oils mixed in a massage oil, clothing ought to be removed.

First mix the vital oils in a small dark blue or amber glass bottle using these proportions:

5 drops Coriander

3 drops Peppermint

2 drops Dill

For application use one drop of above mixture in a 1/2 teaspoon almond, grape seed or jojoba oil and use half of this amount per application for an abdominal massage.

Put the oil mixture in the palm of your non dominant hand and using the fingertips of your other hand, rub over the palm to coat fingertips.

Proceed with abdominal massage starting slightly above the naval and slowly working around the navel as if it were the center of a clock.

Leave the remaining amount of oil mixture in the spoon to use later and set it in a bowl, then cover bowl firmly with plastic wrap to avoid evaporation and contamination.

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Warm baths can help unwind a spasm as well. mix 1 teaspoon almond or grape seed oil with one drop of Lavender and one drop Roman Chamomile. put a 1/4 teaspoon of this mixture in the bath water. It will float on the surface. scoop it into your hand and rub over the baby’s tummy while in the bath. Make sure none of it splashes in the baby’s eyes or on their face.

These suggestions are for educational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or avoid any disease. always speak with your health care company in the case of severe discomfort .

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